How to Prepare the Hotel Room for the Guest?

This quick guide will help you prepare your hotel room efficiently and quickly before the next guests arrive!

Why Is Cleanliness Important?

What would you do to make a good first impression when booking a hotel?

A study by Trivago found that 78% of hotel guests look for reviews with above-average ratings when selecting a hotel.

Clean rooms also lead to a higher overall rating. When guest satisfaction is directly linked to cleanliness, you should be familiar with Best Practices to help prepare your hotel room for next guests.

Check Out This Nine-step Checklist To Prepare The Hotel Room For Guests:

Prepare for the Cleanup

Open all windows and door to allow fresh air in the room. Remove all old bedding, used crockery and toiletries from drawers, the trash, and the bathroom.

Inspection of Amenities and furniture

Check the carpet and furniture for stains. If any surface has been damaged or is soiled, it should be cleaned immediately.

High Dusting

Dust the entire room, starting from the ceiling. Don’t forget to dust light fixtures, wardrobe tops and window sills. Also, don’t neglect artwork, lampshades or lamp shades, or even the tops of wardrobes.

Vacuuming Upholstery and Furniture

This activity is usually aimed at upholstered furniture, carpets and curtains. Vacuume your way to the door. Vacuuming these items not only keeps them clean and free of dust, but it also increases their lifespan.

Cleaning Bathrooms

When cleaning the bathroom, pay special attention to the toilet seat and handle. Be on the lookout for hairs, whether they are yours or those of a previous guest. All chrome surfaces should be polished. Replace the towels and shower curtain.

After cleaning your bathroom, ask yourself whether you feel comfortable using the space. You have done a good job if you answer with a resounding “yes”.


Sanitation has never been so important as it is now. Don’t forget to do this, especially in light of the current situation. Sanitize areas and objects that are in high contact, like doorknobs and remote controls, light switches, phones, devices and bathrooms.

Choose a QAC based disinfectant spray such as Team Disinfectant Spray. It disinfects surfaces such as floors, tables, chairs, platforms and more.

Restocking Supplies

The room is almost ready! Replace the old supplies and stock with new ones. This includes glassware and mugs. Verify that the clock is showing the correct time. Check all new linen, pillows, mattresses and covers. Before replacing the old supplies, check to make sure they are free of stains, hairs or dirt. Replace the bin liners.

Cleaning the Floor

To avoid the floor becoming messy, experts recommend cleaning it towards the end. Be sure to wipe down the hard floor properly. It is important to choose the correct cleaning agent for this activity. It must meet the following criteria.

  • It is important to clean the floor thoroughly and make it look pristine
  • It must be able to kill all diseases-causing agents on the floor
  • The floor will lose its shine if it contains harmful chemicals

Trust Team Disinfectant Flooring Cleaner. It is a fully formulated cleaner-cum-disinfectant that is devoid of bleach and any abrasives. It can be used on granite and marble, and is effective in any water condition.

Crew Disinfectant Flooring Cleaner kills 99.99% of germs and can repel flies for up to six hours! It is also available in a variety of fresh scents.

Perform One Last Check

Congratulations, you’ve finished the preparation! You still have a few things to do before you can let your guests in. Be sure to close all the windows and doors on the balcony. Check the air conditioners. Make sure to check the room again one last time. Use a room deodorizer before you leave the room. Use water-based Crew Room Deodorizer and Freshener. Aerosols that deplete the ozone are not used. Crew room freshener and deodorizer masks offensive smells and lingering odors. The apple fragrance leaves the room smelling fresh and enticing. Imagine your guests’ smiles the moment they enter the room.
This list is sure to bring a smile on your guests’ face.

A clean and welcoming environment is conducive to a good living experience. It will also lead to customer satisfaction, a loyal clientele, an enhanced reputation and more customers.

Hotel management is a big commitment, particularly in these times of public trepidation. Maintaining a high standard is about making guests feel comfortable, even when they’re away from home. The cornerstone of a high-quality service is knowing how to prepare a hotel room before the next guests arrive.

We can help you ace professional cleaning. We offer innovative cleaning solutions and services that ensure you receive consistently superior satisfaction.

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